Konsulenter: Nye Utleieregler i 2024: Hvordan dette påvirker deg som konsulent

Fra 1. januar 2024 trådte nye regler for utleie av arbeidskraft i kraft i Norge. Disse endringene påvirker mange konsulenter og freelancere som opererer som enkeltpersonforetak (ENK) eller gjennom egne aksjeselskaper (AS). Reglene krever nå at alle selskaper som driver med utleie av arbeidskraft må være godkjente av Arbeidstilsynet. Dette betyr at ENK-er ikke lenger

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Bedrifter: Nye Utleieregler i 2024: Hvordan Sperton Norway kan hjelpe din bedrift

(Er du konsulent, les denne artikkelen) Fra 1. januar 2024 trådte nye regler for utleie av arbeidskraft i kraft i Norge. Disse endringene påvirker mange bedrifter samt konsulenter og freelancere som opererer som enkeltpersonforetak (ENK) eller gjennom egne aksjeselskaper (AS). Reglene krever nå at selskaper som driver med utleie av arbeidskraft må være godkjente av

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“Debunking Recruitment Myths” webinar

Recruitment is a hot topic surrounded by numerous myths. What’s fact and what’s fiction? Join us on Thursday, 14 March at 10:00 CET for an enlightening conversation between Master Management and Sperton experts. Steffen Braastad and Erik Mellebye-Giertsen will unravel the truths about recruitment and debunk the misconceptions. Steffen is a dedicated recruitment specialist with

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Why is Norway a major shipping nation?

Norway is a small country with a population of only 5.4 million, but it has a long and proud history of seafaring and maritime activities. Norway is currently the world’s fourth largest shipping nation, measured by the value of its merchant fleet, and it has a leading position in several segments of the maritime industry,

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Economic Impact of Job Mobility in Europe

Job mobility, or the ability of workers to move across jobs, firms, or industries, is often seen as a key factor for economic growth and development. Job mobility can enable workers to find better opportunities, acquire new skills, and increase their productivity and wages. It can also help employers access a wider pool of talent,

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International Energy Forum 2023 in Oslo

We are delighted to announce that Jaimee Tan, our Senior Business Development Advisor for the EU, Asia Pacific, and the US, will be representing Sperton at the International Energy Forum in Oslo, Norway, taking place on November 13-14 in Ullevaal Stadium.  The International Energy Forum is a global platform where industry leaders, policymakers, and experts convene

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Norway’s Energy Frontier: Oil & Gas Insights 2023

As of 2023, the Norwegian oil and gas industry stands as a cornerstone of the country’s economy and global energy landscape. For decades, Norway has been a significant player in the international oil and gas market. This industry not only contributes substantially to the nation’s GDP but also plays a vital role in maintaining energy

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