Generational stereotypes in the workplace

People say that Baby Boomers are behind the times when it comes to technology and that Millennials are lazy and spoiled. There are a lot of these kinds of age stereotypes out there, especially at work. But are they true? People from different groups work together in today’s diverse workplaces, each adding their own skills

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The Role of AI in Modern Engineering

Technology like artificial intelligence (AI) has changed many fields and engineering is no exception. Using AI in modern engineering has changed how projects are planned, carried out, and kept up to date, making them more efficient, accurate, and creative than ever before. Making design and innovation better AI is having a huge impact on the

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Talent Mobility: Unlocking Employment Opportunities in Europe for IT Professionals

Mark your calendars to attend SPERTON’s Talent Mobility Webinar, an exclusive event tailored for IT Professionals. This webinar is designed to provide valuable insights to IT professionals seeking to enhance their careers and explore employment opportunities across Europe. The event will also feature guest speakers who will share their perspectives and experiences working in the

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How long does it take to look for a job?

If you’re looking for a job and haven’t gotten that much-anticipated offer yet, you may think, “When will I find a job?” Also, “How long should it take to land a new position?”  You’re not alone, so don’t worry! A lot of people who are looking for work ask these kinds of questions. There is

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Talent Mobility Webinar: Unlocking Employment Opportunities in Europe for Healthcare Professionals

Mark your calendars to attend SPERTON’s Talent Mobility Webinar, an exclusive event tailored for Healthcare Professionals. This webinar is designed to provide valuable insights to healthcare professionals seeking to enhance their careers and explore employment opportunities across Europe. The event will also feature guest speakers who will share their perspectives and experiences working in the

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Common Interview Questions and How to Answer Them

It can be nerve-wracking to go on job interviews, but knowing how to answer common questions can help you feel better about yourself and do better.  Tell me about yourself! This question usually starts the discussion and sets the tone for the rest of it. Try to summarize your work history clearly and interestingly. Pay

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