Generational stereotypes in the workplace

People say that Baby Boomers are behind the times when it comes to technology and that Millennials are lazy and spoiled. There are a lot of these kinds of age stereotypes out there, especially at work. But are they true? People from different groups work together in today’s diverse workplaces, each adding their own skills

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Negative Team Dynamics

Bad team relations can drain your energy, lower your confidence, and make you do a bad job. Bad team relations can be a big problem, but they’re not impossible to solve. You can change the way your team works together by encouraging open communication, building trust, making jobs clear, resolving conflicts, setting a good example,

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Konsulenter: Nye Utleieregler i 2024: Hvordan dette påvirker deg som konsulent

Fra 1. januar 2024 trådte nye regler for utleie av arbeidskraft i kraft i Norge. Disse endringene påvirker mange konsulenter og freelancere som opererer som enkeltpersonforetak (ENK) eller gjennom egne aksjeselskaper (AS). Reglene krever nå at alle selskaper som driver med utleie av arbeidskraft må være godkjente av Arbeidstilsynet. Dette betyr at ENK-er ikke lenger

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Bedrifter: Nye Utleieregler i 2024: Hvordan Sperton Norway kan hjelpe din bedrift

(Er du konsulent, les denne artikkelen) Fra 1. januar 2024 trådte nye regler for utleie av arbeidskraft i kraft i Norge. Disse endringene påvirker mange bedrifter samt konsulenter og freelancere som opererer som enkeltpersonforetak (ENK) eller gjennom egne aksjeselskaper (AS). Reglene krever nå at selskaper som driver med utleie av arbeidskraft må være godkjente av

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Mental Health and Its Importance in the Workplace

Mental health is increasingly regarded as an important aspect in employees’ overall well-being and productivity. Workplace pressures may cause a variety of physical and psychological disorders, impacting anything from individual work performance to overall organizational effectiveness. Here’s an organized way to tackle mental health at work: The Effects of Mental Health on Work Mental health

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The Consequences of Overlooking Top Talent

In today’s tough business world, it’s important to know how much top talent is worth. Top talent is what makes a company successful; it drives innovation, competitiveness, and happiness among workers. Not noticing this kind of ability can mean missing out on groundbreaking ideas, becoming less competitive, and a general drop in job happiness.  If

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Workplace Mental Health: Creating Healthy Environments

Do you think why mental health is such a popular issue at work today? It’s that simple: happy brains create happy teams!  There are several advantages of healthy workers in the company. When we are mentally fit, everything changes. We think clearly, work intelligently, and interact more effectively. Prioritizing mental health helps not just ourselves

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