Why is Norway a major shipping nation?

Norway is a small country with a population of only 5.4 million, but it has a long and proud history of seafaring and maritime activities. Norway is currently the world’s fourth largest shipping nation, measured by the value of its merchant fleet, and it has a leading position in several segments of the maritime industry,

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Economic Impact of Job Mobility in Europe

Job mobility, or the ability of workers to move across jobs, firms, or industries, is often seen as a key factor for economic growth and development. Job mobility can enable workers to find better opportunities, acquire new skills, and increase their productivity and wages. It can also help employers access a wider pool of talent,

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IT Trends that Will Dominate the Industry in 2024

The information technology (IT) industry is constantly evolving and innovating, driven by emerging technologies and changing customer demands. In this blog, we will explore some of the IT trends that are expected to have a significant impact on the industry in 2024, based on the latest research and predictions from various sources. AI, AI Everywhere…

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Norway’s Energy Frontier: Oil & Gas Insights 2023

As of 2023, the Norwegian oil and gas industry stands as a cornerstone of the country’s economy and global energy landscape. For decades, Norway has been a significant player in the international oil and gas market. This industry not only contributes substantially to the nation’s GDP but also plays a vital role in maintaining energy

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Company registration in Mainland China

There are three common forms of enterprises for foreigners in Mainland China: WOFE (Chinese: 外商独资企业) refers to a company in China that is solely invested and controlled by foreign parties. Setting up a WOFE requires an agreed level of foreign capital to be invested and registered with the authorities. It is currently the most popular

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